How I Met Your Music



As part of the creation of a musico-social podcast, directors Nazaret Serrano and Sebastian Borromeo wanted to create a complete identity and a presentation file that would make it easier to connect with the project’s various stakeholders.
To create a connection between the worlds of mental health and music, we designed a branding with warm colors and airy curves. The atmosphere is vintage, the grain is deliberately exaggerated and the fonts are deliberately opposed to give the visual rhythm needed for this identity.

Creation of a presentation folder
Creation of banners and avatars for socials
Creation of e-mail signatures for all employees

The customer's opinion

Imaqa is more than a branding agency, it’s a partner, and I have them to thank for designing a unique identity with lots of personality for a very special audiovisual project. They are professional, extraordinarily creative, and above all, there to advise and support you even after delivery. I’ll always recommend them.

Nazaret Serrano - Founder